Steel panel radiator type 10 is an one-panel without convector, without top grill and without side covers (1 – one panel, 0 – absence convector) radiator. Unit depth is 47 mm.
Steel panel radiator type 11 is an one-panel with convector, welded on the back side of the panel, with a top grill and with side covers (1 – one panel, 1 – one convector) radiator. Unit depth is 61 mm.
Steel panel radiator type 20 is two-panels without convector, with a top grill and with side covers (2 – two panels, 0 – absence convector) radiator. Unit depth is 84 mm.
Steel panel radiator type 21 is two-panels with convector, welded on the back side of any panel, with a top grill and with side covers (2 – two panels, 1 – one convector) radiator. Unit depth is 84mm.
Steel panel radiator type 22 is two-panels with two convectors, welded on the back sides of the panels, with a top grill and with side covers (2 – two panels, 2 – two convectors) radiator. Unit depth is 102 mm.
Steel panel radiator type 30 is three-panels without convectors, with a top grill and with side covers (3 – three panels, 0 – absence convector) radiator. Unit depth is 153 mm.
Steel panel radiator type 33 is three-panels with convectors, welded on the back sides of the panels, with a top grill and with side covers (3 – three panels, 3 – three convector) radiator. Unit depth is 153 mm.